
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Super Special Double Review Time PART 1: Kung Fu Panda 2 and Cube Zero


With a title like that, you must be expecting some sort of tie in that would excuse these totally unrelated films being reviewed at the same time.

HINT: There isn't. Other than both are movies.

We'll start with Cube Zero.

Cube Zero is apparently the prequel to Cube. So, we're on a good pace so far. What makes CZ different is that it sucks.

OK. It's not that bad. But it kind of ruins everything that Cube set up.

Let's recap without spoiling too much. Cube was a movie about a giant Cube made up of thousands of smaller cubes. These cubes were basically rooms; these rooms were either safe or booby-trapped. There was a way out of the Cube, and the characters from the original used intelligence and crazy math skills to attempt to get out. Once someone did get out, we never knew what happened to him/her. He/she disappeared into a white light and then the movie ended. What happened to him/her?

Cube Zero is here to save the day by completely ruining that ending.

So, you got these two guys, right? One is a fatty who likes playing with himself (as in playing a weird version of Chess alone; What would that be called? SoloChess? Single Chess? Chessturbation?) and the other is a nerdy guy who draws caricatures of himself and his coworker, the fatty. They are in charge of - here it comes - the Cube by monitoring those inside the Cube and taking orders from the administrators of the Cube.

For those who saw the first movie, we never knew what controlled the Cube. We knew a guy in there helped to build it. We never knew why. I personally think that this was the better choice, not knowing. It makes it more into imagination.

Instead, we're told that the Cube is for criminals and apparently dissidents against the government. If someone manages to survive, which one lucky man does, they are immediately detained and asked two questions. "What is your name?" and "Do you believe in God?". If they decline to respond or if they say "no" to believing in God, they are killed. If they say "yes", they are released and made to work for the Cube as well. That's right folks. That original Cube ending? Completely obliterated. The concept here was that getting out meant that there was a semblance of hope, not immediate death.

So the rest of it plays out like you would expect of a SyFy original horror movie: hokey acting, bad dialogue, nonsense plot twists, unneeded exposition, etc. In fact, it seems like they wanted to take away from the first movie only the idea of the Cube instead of explaining its origins. All we know is that the government shoves in people they consider bad and that's it. No exposition on that, but we get plenty on the plan to get out of it. We know you want to get out of a death Cube guys; how about telling us more about it?

The ending is balls. It ties in with Cube, I guess, except that considering none of the original actors are in this, the continuity is literally destroyed. The twist ending is supposed to be a connecting link between Zero and 1 but it fails because there are too many differences such as appearances, setting, genders, racial changes, and complete name changes. I don't know what they were going for here.

In short. It's a bad movie. It kind of ruins the unknown of the original Cube by explaining it too much in certain areas and almost none in others.

Watch it if you don't care and want a cheap thriller.


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