
Friday, July 2, 2010

Evelyn, Evelyn.

Back when I was thirteen, someone I was once friends with recommended I read a book series. This is back when AR was a factor in my life, and well, I figured why the fuck not. The book series was called A Series of Unfortunate Events, which would later spawn a godawful film that we won't discuss, and I'll pretend never existed.
Anyway, I never finished the book series. I got maybe ten books in and went to high school and forgot all about it.
Why is this relevant?
Simple, Watson. This series had a unique feel to it. The most horrible things would happen in such silly ways that it brought me a very unique kind of joy. One that I haven't experienced since then. Until now.

That isn't to say that I feel as though this was ripped off, or even inspired. However, they both have a really unique quality that greatly appeals to me. And makes me cum in my pants.

Amanda Palmer is a g. I'm just going to say it.

I would rate this album a Fuck Yes.

Smile for the camera, Evelyn.

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