Okay, so after I stand alone kicked me right in the balls and both simultaneously and paradoxically made me squeal with delight and madness, I decided to check out the rest of this Noe feller's work.
First and foremost, when I want to know if a film's worth checking out, I generally turn to Sean, the only person in existence that I suspect watches more film than I do.
So, I says, I says, SEAN! Hast thou seent I stand alone?
And he was like; Yes'm.
And he says, he says, Yes'm, it's the best thing Noe has done.
So, then I ask about Irreversible.
"Rape and fire extinguishers," he says. "Pretty much all the film has going for it."
In a way, he was kind of right. Those were easily the most impressive scenes in the film. The violence is deliciously graphic, and the rape scene is realistic and impressive on a few levels. About ten minutes of continuous shot for this scene, which isn't necessarily an easy feat to accomplish. Oh, and what's this? THE CAMERA ISN'T CONSTANTLY MOVING DURING THIS SCENE?! YAY! FOR FUCKING FINALLY.
About the first half of the film is shot unconventionally, which on some levels I feel like I should give him credit for, but on others it's like, come on, goddamnit, stop moving the fucking camera. I'm getting nauseous. Luckily I don't drink anymore, or this might make me throw up.
The movie is in reverse chronological order. There are about twelve scenes, and it starts with the ending and works its way back. The problem with this is that once you get past the major plot points in the film that happen towards the middle and end, the rest is just buildup. It's not bad, but it's kinda strange to sit through. The camerawork calms down, but there's less and less happening that's anywhere close to interesting as the film progresses.
One of the most impressive things about this film is that there was no script involved. It was a three page outline of basic events that have to happen, and the rest was improvised and slapped together on the fly. For the method of construction of this movie, it came together really well, and didn't really seem to suffer all that much from its lack of preparation.
I have mixed feelings about this movie. Really good at points, tries too hard to be stylistic in others. For one of my least favorite Noe films, it has two of his most impressive scenes. It's definitely worth the watch, if you have the stomach for this kind of material.
I really like Noe's brain. I wouldn't mind walking around inside of his head for an hour or two.